Must-Read Monday: After Hours by Cara McKenna

I know I've been bombarding you with old school romance picks lately for Must-Read Monday, so I thought today I'd feature a new release-- Cara McKenna's After Hours

Here's the blurb:

A dangerous infatuation with a rough and ready man… 

Erin Coffey has been a nurse for years, but nothing’s prepared her for the physical and emotional demands of her new position. Needing to move closer to her dysfunctional family, she takes a dangerous job at Larkhaven Psychiatric Hospital, where she quickly learns that she needs protection—and she meets the strong, over-confident coworker who’s more than willing to provide it. 

Kelly Robak is the type of guy that Erin has sworn she’d never get involved with. She’s seen firsthand, via her mess of a sister, what chaos guys like him can bring into a woman’s life. But she finds herself drawn to him anyway, even when he shows up at her door, not eager to take no for an answer. 

What Erin finds even more shocking than Kelly’s indecent proposal is how much she enjoys submitting to his every command. But he can’t play the tough guy indefinitely. If they want to have more than just an affair, both will have to open up and reveal what they truly need. 


And here's my Goodreads review...

After HoursAfter Hours by Cara McKenna
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

I've read Cara McKenna before and enjoyed her writing, so when I saw this one was about mental health workers, I had to pick it up. My first job as a social worker was at a mental health hospital, so I could relate to the heroine's fears about her new job. I primarily worked with children, but I had to train for a few days on the locked men's ward and went through the restraint training like this heroine, and it definitely was intimidating. So on setting alone, the author did a great job of making it realistic and not falling into the stereotypes of what an inpatient ward would be like.

Also, she did a lovely job of telling this story through a gritty lens. This story takes place in a small town but it's not the typical town of small town romances where everybody is nosy and cheerful, and where main street is full of flower boxes and ice scream shops. This is a dive town struggling to keep its footing after manufacturing days gone by. If this were a movie, I'd picture it being filmed with the kind of camera they use on The Walking Dead--kind of painted in faded greens and grays.

However, despite the slightly depressing backdrop (which I liked, frankly), the hero and heroine of this book are in full color. They both have angst and issues of course, but really, they're very sweet with each other. And funny. I love my erotic romance with a fat dose of wry humor and this definitely had that. Plus, I can't resist a filthy-talking hero like Kelly. Kelly is all alpha, dominant, and unapologetic about it. The heroine struggles with reconciling her feminist ideals with Kelly's macho ones, but the clash of them together is where all the fun is. Two thumbs up. :)

View all my reviews


Note: This one is available in ebook only.

Anyone else read this one yet? What do you think of gritty settings or tones in a romance?

A Writing Book Worth Adding To Your Library


So it's no secret that I'm kind of a glutton for writing tips, techniques, and insight. It's one of the reasons I maintained a blog for writers for over two years and still have the occasional post on writing here. There's always more to discover. I can never learn enough about this thing that I do for a living. (And maybe secretly I'm hoping to run across that tip that makes this whole crazy writing process easier. Ha! See, I'm delusional as well.) 

So even though I have a shelf full of books on craft already, I do occasionally let myself wander to the writing section at the local Barnes and Noble. This usually results in hours sitting on the floor in front of that section, skimming the books until I find the ones that I can't put down. This past weekend, I had a little time and went on a bit of a shopping spree, buying three new writing books. (I was supposed to be shopping for clothes. That didn't go so well.)

I've only made it through one of the three pictured above so far, but I wanted to share that one with you.

The Art of War for Writers: Fiction Writing Strategies, Tactics, and Exercises


Successfully starting and finishing a publishable novel is often like fighting a series of battles. You not only have to work hard to shape memorable characters, develop gripping plots, and craft dazzling dialogue, but you also have to fight against self-doubts and fears. And then there's the challenge of learning to navigate the ever-changing publishing industry.

That's why best-selling novelist James Scott Bell, author of the Write Great Fiction staples Plot & Structure and Revision & Self-Editing, came up with the ultimate novel-writing battle plan: The Art of War for Writers.

You'll find tactics and strategies for idea generation and development, character building, plotting, drafting, querying and submitting, dealing with rejection, coping with unrealistic expectations, and much more.

With timeless, innovative, and concise writing reflections and techniques, The Art of War for Writers is your roadmap to victory.

This was a quick read but it was full of wisdom for both new and experienced writers. Like I said in my review below, I pretty much love everything James Scott Bell has to say. If you're not following him on The Kill Zone, fix that now. : )

Here's my Goodreads review...

The Art of War for WritersThe Art of War for Writers by James Scott Bell
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

I'm discovering that I just kind of love everything James Scott Bell has to say about writing. His advice is always to the point and eminently practical, and he gives great examples to boot. This is an easy, fast read but it's filled with great nuggets of wisdom. The last section is more focused on writers who are still aspiring to publication. But I found the first two parts, especially the section focused on craft to be chock full of tips I wanted to write on index cards and pin up around my office. A great addition to any writer's craft library.

View all my reviews


For other suggestions on some of my favorite craft books, check out this post:  Twelve Writer Woes and the Books to Cure Them 


What's your favorite book on writing? Or which craft book have you gotten invaluable information from?

Must-Read Monday: A Movie Star, A Kidnapping, & 90s-tastic-ness

Perfect by Judith McNaught

So if you follow my blog, you know that I've been going through a phase where I'm reading old school romance from the 80s and 90s to catch up on some of the classics I missed out on. Well, when I reviewed Judith McNaught's Whitney, My Love, I had a ton of people tell me, "You must read Perfect!" (Paradise also got lots of mentions, but I haven't gotten to that one yet.) So I decided to give Perfect, which is one of her contemporaries, a try. And I'm so glad I did.

Here's the blurb:

A rootless foster child, Julie Mathison had blossomed under the love showered upon her by her adoptive family. Now a lovely and vivacious young woman, she was a respected teacher in her small Texas town, and she passionately lived her ideals. Julie was determined to give back all the kindness she'd received; nothing and no one would ever shatter the perfect life she had fashioned.

Zachary Benedict was an actor/director whose Academy Award-winning career had been shattered when he was wrongly convicted of murdering his wife. After the tall, ruggedly handsome Zack escaped from a Texas prison, he abducted Julie and forced her to drive him to his Colorado mountain hideout. She was outraged, cautious, and unable to ignore the instincts that whispered of his innocence. He was cynical, wary, and increasingly attracted to her. Passion was about to capture them both in its fierce embrace...but the journey to trust, true commitment, and proving Zack's innocence was just beginning....

Now, what I'm loving about these older romances is how epic they feel. As writers, we can't get away with loads of backstory anymore. We have to get to the present action immediately and carefully drop in character history here and there. The style has changed. Back in the 90s, it seems that authors often started early in the character timeline. We see them in their childhood or teen years for a chapter or three. Then it jumps ahead to another pivotal moment in their lives, then the present. I think Perfect had about 80 pages of backstory and set up before we got to the present story. But it wasn't boring, "This happened long ago." Instead it's written as the present and filled with action. So it works for me. Plus, this book is long, almost 700 pages, so the author had more room to give us all that information. And the result is that you feel seriously attached to the characters throughout the story because you feel like you've known them since they were kids.

And boy was I attached to these characters and their HEA because when the black moment came, gah, I was torn up. I almost couldn't read because my head was screaming the dramatic, "Noooooo!" and I didn't want to watch it all fall apart. >.<  Any author that can make me feel that involved, like these people are real and this is not just a story, gets a gold star from me. And she does give you like a 100pg HEA so she tries to make up for all that anguish she put you through by laying on the happiness with a heavy hand. :)

Also, as a bonus, this book is from the early 90s and about a movie star, so there are cameo appearances by stars of that day, including Patrick Swayze (my very first celebrity crush.) And I had to chuckle at some of the 90s stuff like the heroine popping up her collar or the house being decorated in mauve, green, and brass. Also, because it's old school romance, there was a bit of a "forced seduction" scene where I wanted to smack the hero for being an asshat. But I realize that was acceptable hero behavior in older romances.

But overall, I really loved this book and felt like I went on a real journey. Here's my review on Goodreads: 


Perfect (Second Opportunities #2)Perfect by Judith McNaught
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

This was a Judith McNaught that many people told me was their all-time favorite. I'm glad I listened to them. I love how she writes books that show characters from the pivotal moments in their childhoods and brings you forward in time. It gives the stories an epic feel and you're totally emotionally involved with the characters because you feel like you've known them so long.

And speaking of emotions, I have to say the "black moment" of this book gutted me. I felt like I needed to go cuddle puppies or something to make me feel better. Guh. It's a feat to make me feel that bleak about a couple's outcome when I *know* it's a romance and I *know* there will be an HEA eventually. I wanted to scream, "No!" and look away, hoping it wouldn't really happen. Yes, I know it's fiction. But good fiction makes you forget that it isn't real and this one did that. My only minor quibble is that the heroine seemed a little too perfect and without flaw. I know that's the title of the book, and the heroine had her reasons for being a model citizen/person but everyone has some flaws and no one is always that self-sacrificing.

Definitely one to add to your shelf, especially if you like epic, old school romance.

View all my reviews


So what Must-Read have you read lately?

UK & Australian Readers: FALL INTO YOU is now available in ebook!

Good news! I know a lot of you from outside the U.S. have been asking when FALL INTO YOU will be available in ebook. It's always a complicated answer because of the way foreign rights work with the publisher. And I honestly never know when the ebook will be released. It's usually delayed 6-12 months post U.S. release. But I'm happy to report that FALL INTO YOU has gotten here faster.

So you can now purchase ebook versions in the UK and Australia. Thanks for being patient, and I hope you enjoy the book!

Check it out: Kindle UK version


First Look: Chapter One of CAUGHT UP IN YOU!

I've had a few reader requests lately to give a sneak peek of Wyatt and Kelsey's story, CAUGHT UP IN YOU, which is releasing in August. I'm really excited about this story. It's probably my sweetest, most romantic story I've written so far. Not that it isn't sexy and erotic as well, but I felt these two needed over the top, 80s movie-style romance. : )

So without further rambling, here's the first part of chapter one. To read the whole thing click the link at the bottom...

Chapter 1 of Caught Up In You

Copyrighted Roni Loren 2013 - All Rights Reserved Berkley Publishing Group

*18 and over only*

“You know, picturing someone naked this early in the morning isn’t good for your health.”

Kelsey LeBreck leaned forward to get a better view through the kitchen’s pass-through, smirking at Nathan’s jab but not tearing her gaze away from her subject. “Hush and keep flipping his eggs.”

But of course her co-worker ignored that command. “I mean, think how long you’ll have to wait before you can get home to your vibrator and imagine Mr. Tall, Dark, and Loaded rocking your world. You’re going to be so pent up and distracted, you’ll screw up everyone’s order.”

“I do that anyway.” Except his. Never his. Though, that wasn’t really an accomplishment, considering he always ordered the same thing.

“Yet you still get better tips than Chandra.”

“I’m charming that way.” And desperate. When that tip meant the difference between being able to pay for a tank of gas instead of riding the bus, she could channel so much sunshine and sweetness, even the grumpiest customer couldn’t be mad at her for long.

“Are the muffins ready to go in yet? Darryl’s going to be here any minute and you know how he gets if shit is late.”

“Working on it.” Kelsey blindly stirred her muffin batter as she watched Wyatt Austin adjust his glasses, fold his newspaper just so, and then spread out a stack of documents on the table in front of him. He had a way of moving that was somehow graceful and efficient all at once. Like he’d figured out the most streamlined way to do each and every thing so that he could fit the maximum amount of work into every minute of the day.

And maybe he had. God knows his schedule was more predict- able than the sunrise. At six fifteen every weekday morning, he would walk in the cafe with his newspaper tucked under his arm and his own travel mug of coffee. He’d sit at the same table in the far corner, the one that provided him both a view of the television on the wall and the least amount of glare for his laptop screen. She knew that only because she’d finally asked him one day why he chose that booth all the time. When she’d joked that he sat there because it was her section, he’d just offered that enigmatic smile of his—one that had promptly made her forget the last order she’d taken from the table before him.

“You need to stop torturing yourself,” Nathan said from be- hind her, the sizzle of the griddle playing soundtrack in the back- ground. “From what I’ve heard, the suit doesn’t date. And he’s not gay either. Believe me, I’d be the one serving him eggs and sausage if he were.”

She snorted and finally looked back at Nathan. “Sausage? You’re going with that one, really?”

He held his arms out to his sides and gave her a come-on-how- could-I-pass-that-up look.

“How do you even know this stuff? And you, with the fetish for skater boys, would go after Wyatt Austin, CEO-in-training? Please.”

“I love the shit out of that strong, silent type. They’re usually crazy good in the sack. Like they’re saving up all that intensity just for you.” He shrugged and turned over a row of bacon with his spatula. “And money never hurt anybody. I’m not above being a kept man.”

“You’re a top.”

“And so are you, baby girl. But that hasn’t stopped you from your mad, passionate love affair with Mr. In Charge.”

She sighed and turned back to her batter, grabbing a ladle so she could scoop it into the muffin tins. It was a mad, passionate love affair. He was the absolute perfect boyfriend for her right now. Delicious to look at, panty-dampening to fantasize about, and completely and utterly unattainable.

Nathan set a plate next to her and slid the egg white omelet and two slices of turkey bacon onto it. “Order up. Now, if you’re not going to give up on this crush, why don’t you take this plate over there and ask the guy out?”

She spun to face him, muffin tray in her hand. “Did you forget to take your meds today? I’m a waitress and wannabe baker. His family owns an entire company.”

“So the fuck what? He has more money than you. Big deal. Doesn’t mean he’s better than you. In fact, he’d be a damn lucky bastard to get a date with you. Hell, I’d take you out just to get these secret muffin recipes of yours.”

She handed the pan to him, picked up Wyatt’s plate, and kissed Nathan’s cheek. “Thanks, hon. But if I’ve learned one lesson in life, it’s that fantasy is always better than reality.”

He gave her a sly smile. “But fantasy can’t have breakfast in bed with you the next morning.”

No. But it also couldn’t break your heart.

Or break her.

Kelsey turned on her heel and pushed through the kitchen’s swinging door. Time to serve breakfast to her imaginary boyfriend.

CLICK TO READ THE REST OF CHAPTER ONE (and to get a peek inside Wyatt's head)


If you want to be awesome, you can pre-order it now. :)  Barnes and Noble | Amazon