All 8 Parts Are Out! Cliffhanger-Phobics Rejoice :)

NOT UNTIL YOU LOVE is out today! I can't believe we've reached the end of the 8 weeks of the NOT UNTIL YOU serial already. This summer is flying by. For those of you who have been reading along, thank you and I hope you've enjoyed the journey. I've enjoyed sharing it with you each week.

And for those who are cliffhanger-phobic, which I totally understand and respect, now you can get all eight parts and read them back to back with no waiting! : )  

I can't wait to hear what everyone thinks of the conclusion of Foster and Cela's story.

And if you have read it, I always appreciate any reviews you'd like to leave on the retail sites or Goodreads or any tweets and Facebook mentions. You'd be amazed at how much those things help a book. 

*hugs to all* And hope you're not sick of me yet because next week, Wyatt's story releases!!! I'm SO excited about CAUGHT UP IN YOU. Those characters are particularly near and dear to my heart so I can't wait to have y'all read their story. : )

Photos from RWA and a New Release!

Hi, everyone! Well, I'm back from my fourth RWA Nationals. It was a fantastic trip, and it was so much fun to meet so many people I only know through the Interwebs. First a quick reminder, NOT UNTIL YOU BELIEVE, Part 7 of my e-serial is out today. We're almost to the end! So for those of you waiting to get them when they're all out so you can read them back to back, next week is the week! :)

Here are some highlights from the trip...

On Wednesday, I had the pleasure of speaking on a panel with Darynda Jones, Eloisa James, Debra Holland, and Robin Convington at the Golden Network Retreat (a chapter of RWA for Golden Heart finalists). The lineup for teh retreat was fantastic. It kicked off with a great talk from Susan Elizabeth Phillips and then a lunchtime speech from, yes, the Nora Roberts. Here's Nora during her speech:



Then that evening was the HUGE booksigning for literacy. Thank you to all who stopped by and said hi to me or bought a book! :) The event raised over 50k for literacy charities, so it was a great success. Here was my view from my spot. (Isn't my RITA flag pretty? It's now sitting on my desk.)



On Friday, I did my BDSM 101 for Writers presentation with the lovely Tiffany Reisz (and her sock monkey). We had a full room and a great audience. It was a lot of fun even though we had too much info and ran out of time. Here's a picture courtesy of author Miranda Baker:



Then, of course, on Saturday night I was a nervous wreck because MELT INTO YOU was up for the RITA award in Single Title Contemporary Romance. For those who don't know, the RITAs are like the Oscars for romance writing, so it's a big, exciting thing to be nominated. 

Here I was before the ceremony when I still had hope, lol...



Alas, I didn't win, but I truly was just over the moon to be nominated. An erotic romance has NEVER been nominated in that cateogory so that was a huge deal for me. Here was my view from my spot in the audience. My one goal if I won was not to vomit standing up there on that stage in front of 2000 people. o.0



After that, it was time to fly back home with my big pile of new books:



And though I was sad to leave all my friends for another year, I did have a nice surprise waiting for me on my doorstep when I got home. Look at the pretties...



So now back to my normal life of no makeup, living barefoot, and typing away on my keyboard. : )



I'm on my way to RWA Nationals today (yay!) where I'm up for a RITA award (double yay!) AND I finally finished my draft of Kade's story NEED YOU TONIGHT (*rolls around in confetti*). Let's just not talk about last week when I wrote 30k words. I think I'm still recovering my brain cells because most of them melted. But I didn't want to forget to remind you that Part 6 of my e-serial, NOT UNTIL YOU SURRENDER, is out today!!!

We're almost to the end of this journey (so those waiting to read them all at once only have two more weeks to wait, lol.) And I wanted to thank everyone who's posted reviews or spread the word so far. *hugs* I'd love to have more of that help this week since I won't be able to get near my computer very much. So if you feel so inclined, I'd love for you to tweet about the release or leave a review on Goodreads or the retails sites. Those things are huge helps.

And I hope you enjoy this segment! (Be prepared though, the black moment is nigh. *hands over wine and chocolate*)

NOT UNTIL YOU BEG is out today!


Not Until You, Part V 

Cela wants to explore the new desires Foster has awakened within her, but is she really ready to submit? As Roni Loren’s Not Until You continues, Foster will find out exactly how far Cela will go...

Foster has been pushed past the point of temptation. So even though he fears Cela’s interest in his world is a passing whim, he agrees to teach her the art of submission. But he’s not going to hold anything back—if she wants to see this side of him, he’s going to show her how deep his dominance runs.

Cela’s initial intrigue begins to give way to doubt as she struggles with the submissive role and the desires it stirs within her. Having spent her whole life being controlled by her domineering father, she’s unsure if she’s ready to put herself under the command of another man. But when she breaks Foster’s most important rule, she puts herself in a situation more intense than she bargained for…


A Message To My UK & Australian Readers About Ebook Availability

UK/Australian Readers:

I know y'all have been patiently waiting for the issue with the e-serial to be resolved. I really appreciate your patience. Here's what I know at this point: Harper UK bought the rights for ALL of my current and future books (through Colby's story next year) from Berkley (my U.S. publisher.) So the Berkley ebook versions of Fall Into You, Still Into You, and the e-serial Not Until You were pulled in the UK and Australia because Berkley no longer has the right to publish them there. (You can still get a paperback of FALL.)

So the good news is this means these books (and my future ones) will be available in the UK in ebook probably with less delay than in the past and possibly for a lower price. (The first two books, if you remember, didn't come out in ebook in the UK/Australia for almost a year after U.S. release.) But the bad news is, I don't know *when* Fall Into You and the rest of Not Until You will be available again. I have an email into the UK publisher (via Berkley) to see if they know re-release dates set, but I haven't heard back yet. My guess is that they will redesign covers and such like they did with the first two books, so it may be a little while. I did let them know that there is a demand for these as soon as possible since many of you read the first two parts of the serial before it was pulled, so I'm hoping they rush it and get them back out there quickly. But I have no control over that aspect. 

Once again, I am SO sorry for the inconvenience and the frustration. Had I known this would happen this way, I would've requested the U.S. versions of the first two parts to not be released at all in the UK & Australia so that people didn't start reading only to be left waiting for the rest. I'm a reader first before a writer so I know the frustration of starting something and then not being able to finish. I wish I could fix it from my end, but unfortunately, I can't, so all I can say is I'm sorry it happened this way and when it releases in the UK/Australia, I will be thrilled and excited to discuss the books with you guys. 

*Sending chocolate and hoping for your understanding*