SALE Alert! CAUGHT UP IN YOU for $4.99!


Hey y'all, just wanted to pop and let you know that the ebook of CAUGHT UP IN YOU is on sale for $4.99 right now! (Maybe it's in honor of my birthday, lol.) That's the cheapest I've ever seen any of my full-length books. So if you haven't bought it yet, now's the time to buy! :) 

Click for Nook

Click for Kindle

Must-Read Monday: Two Forbidden Love Stories

So it's been a while since I've done a Must-Read Monday, but I've been catching up on my reading lately and have a few to share with you. :)

It wasn't the plan, but the last two books I've read had the theme of forbidden love (a favorite dynamic of mine to write and read about.) And both were fantastic reads. So here you go...

On the Island  by Tracey Garvis Graves

Yeah, yeah, I know I'm behind the times on this one. It was a bestseller a while ago. But it's been sitting in my stack since last year and I finally got the chance to pick it up. I really enjoyed this story. It was fast-moving and transported you to the deserted island setting. And both characters were very likeable. My only complaint was that it could've been a bit steamier after all the yummy sexual tension built up in the first half of the book, but that's just a personal preference of mine because I like a very sexy book. :) But I definitely recommend it for an engrossing read. 

Here's the blurb from Amazon:

Anna Emerson is a thirty-year-old English teacher desperately in need of adventure. Worn down by the cold Chicago winters and a relationship that’s going nowhere, she jumps at the chance to spend the summer on a tropical island tutoring sixteen-year-old T.J.

T.J. Callahan has no desire to go anywhere. His cancer is in remission and he wants to get back to his normal life. But his parents are insisting he spend the summer in the Maldives catching up on all the school he missed last year.

Anna and T.J. board a private plane headed to the Callahan’s summer home, and as they fly over the Maldives’ twelve hundred islands, the unthinkable happens. Their plane crashes in shark-infested waters. They make it to shore, but soon discover that they’re stranded on an uninhabited island.

At first, their only thought is survival. But as the days turn to weeks, and then months, the castaways encounter plenty of other obstacles, including violent tropical storms, the many dangers lurking in the sea, and the possibility that T.J.’s cancer could return. As T.J. celebrates yet another birthday on the island, Anna begins to wonder if the biggest challenge of all might be living with a boy who is gradually becoming a man. 

A Little Too Far  by Lisa Desrochers

Next is a read I couldn't put down. The blurb had me from the start. A love triangle with a stepbrother and a soon-to-be priest? My first thought was -- how did me and Tiffany Reisz not write this book? (For those who haven't read us: I have the forbidden foster brother love in MELT INTO YOU and Tiffany's Original Sinners series has a priest as the main hero.)

This is a New Adult book (college-aged protagonists) and transports you Italy for most of the novel. That's one of the things I liked most about it. The setting had real life to it. Also, the story was very sexy and fun. Here's my Goodreads Review:

A Little Too Far (A Little Too Far, #1)A Little Too Far by Lisa Desrochers
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

So I love, love, love forbidden romance stories and this one had double forbidden-ness, so yay for that. I loved the heroine's voice. She was funny and comfortable with herself and outspoken. I like that the fact that she enjoyed sex wasn't a BIG OL' DEAL. I was a little sad when I realized that I was pulling for the wrong guy in the love triangle, but I'm looking forward to his story next. I also really enjoyed the Italian setting. I felt transported there and that's always a nice treat. Very quick and sexy read!

View all my reviews

And here's the blurb:
Have you ever gone just a little too far?

Lexie Banks has.

Yep. She just had mind-blowing sex with her stepbrother. In her defense, she was on the rebound, and it's more of a my-dad-happened-to-marry-a-woman-with-a-super-hot-son situation. But still, he's been her best friend and confidant for the better part of the last few years ... and is so off limits. It's a good thing she's leaving in two days for a year abroad in Rome.

But even thousands of miles away, Lexie can't seem to escape trouble. Raised Catholic, she goes to confession in hopes of alleviating some of her guilt ... and maybe not burning in hell. Instead, she stumbles out of the confessional and right into Alessandro Moretti, a young and very easy-on-the-eyes deacon ... only eight months away from becoming a priest. Lexie and Alessandro grow closer, and when Alessandro's signals start changing despite his vow of celibacy, she doesn't know what to think. She's torn between falling in love with the man she shouldn't want and the man she can't have. And she isn't sure how she can live with herself either way.

If that blurb doesn't sell you, I don't know what will. :)  Also, I'm excited that Lisa is one of the authors in the Fifty First Times anthology I'm contributing too. (I actually didn't realize that until after I'd read her book, lol.) Btw, if you missed the announcement about the anthology, you can find out the details here. :)

*Also, if you entered my 50 Book Giveaway, all winners have been chosen and contacted. Thanks to all of you who participated and spread the word! :)

So how do you feel about taboo or forbidden romance stories? Has anyone read either of these.


Big Announcement: FIFTY FIRST TIMES - A New Adult Anthology!


So I've been sitting on this news for a while and today I can finally announce it. This December (release date tentative), I'm going to be contributing a story to a brand new New Adult Anthology of short stories called FIFTY FIRST TIMES, releasing from Avon Impulse! 

I'm super excited about this project not just because of the awesome theme but because the group of authors in this anthology is beyond awesome. Authors like J. Lynn, Molly McAdams, Lisa Desrochers, Sophie Jordan, Carrie Ryan...the list is long and totally kickass. You can see the full list here on Goodreads.  I can't wait to read their stories.

Here's the official Publisher's Marketplace Announcement:

Julie Cross's FIFTY FIRST TIMES: A NEW ADULT ANTHOLOGY, in which 19 favorite and bestselling authors, including J. Lynn, Carrie Ryan, and Sophie Jordan write fictional stories about their characters' first time, to Tessa Woodward at Avon Impulse, for publication in December 2013, by Nicole Resciniti at The Seymour Agency.

My story is one of two male/male stories in the anthology. "Two In the Morning" (title tentative) is about Malcolm and Bates, two college roommates and childhood best friends. Bates has realized he's in love with his best friend. And Malcolm has no clue Bates is gay. So when the two have to travel home together for Thanksgiving and share a bed at Malcolm's family's house, things are going to get complicated. I can't wait for y'all to read it. It was SO much fun to write. 

Here are the opening lines of my story (told from Bates' POV):

There were three things I knew for sure as I lay in the dark of my cinder-block cell of a dorm room.

One: I shouldn’t be awake.

Two: I definitely should not be listening to my roommate round second base with Cami/Cassie/Chloe, or whatever her C-name was.

And, three: I should not be sporting the monster of all hard-ons from all those deep, growly sounds Malcolm kept making.


Now, this anthology is the brainchild of my friend and fellow author, Julie Cross. She's the one who came up with the idea, gathered the authors, and is editing the stories. So, I'll share what she has to say about the project...

From Julie Cross:


Fifty First Times is a collection of fictional short stories from variety of published Young Adult, New Adult, and Adult Romance authors aimed at a New Adult audience. Each story magnifies a moment in two characters’ lives that shows the reader their decision to take physical intimacy to a new level, the events leading up to this moment and in some cases, the events that follow.


Despite the implications from the description, Fifty First Times is not a book about sex. It’s about trust. It’s about the difference between love and lust. It’s about responsibility and growing up. It’s about each character’s individual definition of virginity which varies considerably from story to story. It’s about the couple who decides not to go through with it, the two boys who finally aren’t ashamed, the eighteen year olds in WWII era who’s wedding night could very well be their last night together, the deaf pair who have no choice but to take body language to a new level, the boy grieving the death of a close relative who meets an unexpected stranger on a road trip, the girl who’s drunken one night stand helps her come to terms with her feelings for a guy she’s been too afraid to open up to, the couple trapped in a fallout shelter anxiously awaiting the end of the world in a dystopian future, the pair facing racial and culture barriers proving that love can exist underneath the external layers of humanity, and of course the two young people fumbling and laughing, getting everything wrong yet making a memory that will never fade.


Doesn't all of that sound so awesome? I mean, I'm in the thing and *I* can't wait to read the variety of stories. So what do you think? Are you ready to read something from the "New Adult" side of me? ;)

UPDATE: It's now up for pre-order on Kindle (even though the title needs to be fixed on this listing).

Fill Your Shelves for Fall Book Giveaway (Day 5) - Historical Romances & A Genre Grab Bag!

If you missed it this week, I'm doing a huge giveaway of over FIFTY romances this week. Each day I'm featuring a different subgenre. We've been at it all week with different romance genres. But today is the day for Historical Romance and a special Mixed Genre Grab Bag.

Historical Prize Pack: 


To Enter: You MUST fill out the Rafflecopter form below. Simply leaving a comment will not enter you for the contest. Contest ends Friday Sept. 20. Winner will be chosen and notified the following week.

Note: Contest for U.S. and Canada Only. Some books in the prizes packs are used. Signed books (besides Caught Up In You) are signed To Roni since these are books from my personal library and were not donated by the author. 

a Rafflecopter giveaway


Mixed Genre Grab Bag of Goodness: 


A signed copy of CAUGHT UP IN YOU

To Enter: You MUST fill out the Rafflecopter form below. Simply leaving a comment will not enter you for the contest. Contest ends Friday Sept. 20. Winner will be chosen and notified the following week.

Note: Contest for U.S. and Canada Only. Some books in the prizes packs are used. Signed books (besides Caught Up In You) are signed To Roni since these are books from my personal library and were not donated by the author. 

a Rafflecopter giveaway

*You can enter as many of this week's contests as you would like. You're not limited to only entering one. So be sure to click back through previous posts from the week. :)


  • Monday: Contemporary Romance
  • Tuesday: Paranormal Romance
  • Wednesday: Erotic Romance
  • Thurday: Young Adult
  • Friday: Historical Romance and A Mixed Genre Grab Bag

CONTEST CLOSES NEXT FRIDAY!!! Winners will be contacted after that.

Thanks to all those who entered and have a great weekend!

Fill Your Shelves for Fall Book Giveaway (Day 4) - Thirteen YA Romances!

If you missed it earlier this week, I'm doing a huge giveaway of over FIFTY romances this week. Each day I'm featuring a different subgenre. We've already covered contemporary, paranormal, and erotic, and there's still time to enter those as well. But today is the day for Young Adult Romance!

Today we have two prize packs:

Prize Pack #1:

AND (if you're over 18, you also get...)

To Enter: You MUST fill out the Rafflecopter form below. Simply leaving a comment will not enter you for the contest. Contest ends Friday Sept. 20. Winner will be chosen and notified the following week.

Note: Contest for U.S. and Canada Only. Some books in the prizes packs are used. Signed books (besides Caught Up In You) are signed To Roni since these are books from my personal library and were not donated by the author. 

a Rafflecopter giveaway


YA Prize Pack #2:

PLUS a signed copy of CAUGHT UP IN YOU (if you're over 18 years old)

To Enter: You MUST fill out the Rafflecopter form below (you can enter both giveaways but miss fill out both forms). Simply leaving a comment will not enter you for the contest. Contest ends Friday Sept. 20. Winner will be chosen and notified the following week.

Note: Contest for U.S. and Canada Only. Some books in the prizes packs are used. Signed books (besides Caught Up In You) are signed To Roni since these are books from my personal library and were not donated by the author. 

a Rafflecopter giveaway



*You can enter as many of this week's contests as you would like. You're not limited to only entering one. So be sure to stop by throughout the week. :)


  • Monday: Contemporary Romance
  • Tuesday: Paranormal Romance
  • Wednesday: Erotic Romance
  • Thurday: Young Adult
  • Friday: Historical Romance and A Mixed Genre Grab Bag