Read the First Chapter of FALL INTO YOU

Hi everyone, just wanted to let y'all know that FALL INTO YOU's first chapter is now posted. : ) For those who read this in the back of MELT INTO YOU, you'll notice a few slight changes from that version.

Click here to read Chapter One


He’ll do anything for you. But you’d better say please.

When tomboy sports reporter Charli Beaumonde loses a dream TV job because she’s not girly enough for primetime, she’s determined to land a big scoop and prove her boss made a mistake. But when she gets too close to a football scandal and finds her life threatened, Charli accepts an offer from family friend Grant Waters to hide out at his place—even if Grant predicts nothing but trouble from his buddy’s hard-headed, uncompromising, irrepressible, younger sister. There’s one more problem…

Grant’s “place” is The Ranch, a BDSM resort in Texas, and he’s used to being in charge —even if that means trying to keep Charli in line. But much to Grant’s surprise, she’s intrigued—even envious—of his trainees. They’re the epitome of what she’s never been: sexy, beguiling, and totally irresistible to a man. Still, Grant doesn’t believe for a minute that the sharp-tongued Charli has it in her to be anyone’s submissive. But Charli’s already on her knees vying for the chance to prove that even the Master can be wrong sometimes.

Releases January 2013

Available for pre-order from Amazon  and Barnes and Noble!

The Return of the Serial Novel and My New Book Deal!

Hello, all. I know Fridays are usually reserved for my weekly links roundup, but I'm postponing that for a super fantastic announcement. :)

For those of you who get Publisher's Marketplace, you've probably already seen it, but this posted last night:

  Roni Loren's next story in her LOVING ON THE EDGE series about an innocent vet school student who joins her sexy neighbors at a BDSM ranch for one weekend of freedom before she starts her professional life, to Kate Seaver at Berkley Heat, releasing in serial installments, for publication in 2013, in a nice deal, by Sara Megibow of Nelson Literary Agency (world).


Photo by Robb North (flickr cc)Yay! So for those of you who are closely following my series, you may be wondering whose book this will be. Well, this is going to be Ian Foster's (from STILL INTO YOU) and Cela Medina's (Andre's little sister) story. Originally, it was only going to be the novella, NOT UNTIL YOU. But things have changed and now Ian and Cela get their own full story!

AND it's going to be released in the new (or very old depending on how you look at it) format of the e-serial. This means it will be released in sections. We haven't decided how many segments yet. Most likely 6-8, but we're going to determine where the natural breaks in the story occur before we nail that down. Each segment will be released once a week.

I am so excited about this project and about this format. I wasn't sure at first when I heard about the e-serial because I'm a person to devour books all in one sitting. But then I gave Beth Kery's serial Because You Are Mine a try and am finding that I'm really enjoying this kind of reading. Because the segments are brief, I'm able to finish one in two nights of sitting by the bathtub while my son bathes. It's kind of nice to feel like I completed something each time. And it keeps me immersed in the story longer. Sometimes I read so fast that I'm sad the story is already over. So this kind of makes it more of an experience when it's stretched out piece by delicious piece over time. 

So I was won over to the format. Then my editor contacted me wanting to discuss the possibility of turning Ian's story into a serial. I couldn't have been happier. Ian's story (who is going to be called by his last name Foster now--since by coincidence, Beth Kery's hero is named Ian too, lol) is different from my others. I haven't written a heroine this young and inexperienced before (though she's no pushover, Andre is her brother after all). It was a new challenge and a whole lot of fun. 

Dates are still floating around but this will release after FALL INTO YOU in late Spring or Early Summer.

And be on the look out for more people releasing books this way. The e-serial thing was starting to buzz in a lot of places already, but now that Amazon has released their Kindle Serials, expect to hear even more about it.

Here are just a few places that have tackled the topic lately:

The Revival of the Serial - Dear Author

Books on the Installment Plan via The Kill Zone

Ebooks anf the Return of the Serial Novel via SeattlePi

Beth Kery on Writing the Serialized Novel via USA Today's Happily Ever After


So that's my news. : )  

How do you feel about the return of the serial? Do you think it's a format you'll enjoy? (It seems people either love it or hate it, lol.)

The New Fall TV Season Starts: Anyone Else Gun Shy?

Photo by Sarah Reid (flickr cc)I love this time of year, not just for the break in 100+ heat, but because it signals the return of favorite shows and the start of new shows. (Though I will mourn the end of Big Brother summer deeply.)

And in the past, I used to look forward to finding those new TV shows that were going to grab me and keep me. Those shows that were going to become part of my weekly routine for years to come. Remember those? For me, it's shows like Friends, Dawson's Creek, Seinfeld, The Office, Lost... Shows that I can look back and remember the time in my life that they provided the background too. For instance, Dawson's Creek reminds me of making french bread pizza with my college roommates and all of us sitting on the floor to watch a new episode.

But in the past few years, I've started to grow wary of starting new TV show relationships. Besides True Blood and How I Met Your Mother, I haven't committed to anything non-reality show. And this is sad.

BUT, the reason why I've grown so gun shy is because it seems like networks give absolutely no time for a show to catch on anymore. You start watching something, get hooked on the damn thing and then 4-5 episodes in, it disappears forever. Not. Cool.

So I've taken to letting shows run for a while with the intention of going back and catching up if it sticks around. Of course, this usually results in whole seasons of shows on my DVR (hello, American Horror Story) and then I feel overwhelmed at the prospect of tackling it and never get to it. This also means I've missed out on some shows I know I'd like because I'm so behind now--Fringe, Modern Family, Bones. I still want to get some of those on DVD, but it's trying to find the time. It's a bad cycle.

But like a girl who still goes back to the bar after too many failed dates, I'm probably going to give a few shows this season a try.

Here are some that I'm tempted to try. You can click on the poster to find out more about each show.

Elementary (CBS)

A modern day take on Sherlock Holmes, that's a high concept I can't look away from.


The Mindy Project (Fox)

I loved Mindy Kaling on The Office so I have high hopes for this one.


Revolution (NBC)

A world without electricity. They have advertised the crap out of this one--which is usually a BIG sign that the show is going to end after a few episodes. Seriously, it seems the ones with the biggest budget and advertising campaign get slashed first. But I like the idea of it and I'm always in search for something to fill the hole that Lost left.


666 Park Avenue (ABC)

An apartment building where everyone made deals with the devil? This could either go very wrong or very right.


Chicago Fire (NBC)

TV Guide promises lots of shirtless firefighters, so yanno, I'm compelled.


Go On (NBC)

This is simply because I love Matthew Perry and am pulling for him to find something that works post-Friends


Nashville (ABC)

I'm a sucker for shows that involve music, but we'll see...


Partners (CBS)

This one is from the people who brought us Will & Grace, so may be worth checking out.


Beauty and the Beast (CW)

Okay, so I never watched that show in the 80s and wouldn't have much interest now, but it's on the CW and that station has a talent for doing shows that hold my interest.


Underemployed (MTV)

This follows a group of friends one year out from college graduation when their big time post-graduation dreams haven't gone the way they'd hoped. I saw the preview of this one and it looks like it could be funny. 


All right, so those are the ones that caught my eye. Which new shows are you looking forward to this season? Are you gun shy about starting and getting attached to new shows like me? What shows have played background to different times in your life?


*All TV posters from except for the last which was from Click on each poster and it will lead you to the source.

Book Hangover and The Book That Gave It To Me

Photo by Nanny Snowflake (flickr cc)So you know that feeling when you get caught up in a book and you can't put it down so you shirk all other responsibilities and consume the thing like it's the last box of chocolate before the apocalypse?

Yeah, then you finish it and you look up, blinking to take in your surroundings, vaguely remembering where you are. And the rest of the day you're kind of still half in the book and half in real life? It's disorienting. It's awesome. it's the sign of a fantastic book. (Or a serious illness.)

That's what I call book hangover. And I had it this weekend with More Like Her by Liza Palmer. I don't usually read women's fiction/chick lit (if we're still calling it that). I don't have anything against the genre. I just tend to gravitate toward more straight up romance. Plus, the women's fiction I've read in the past has always left me hanging with those darn fade to black love scenes, lol. Yes, personal preference, but when a story builds up all that sexual tension, I want to see the payoff. Just sayin'. But anyway, I digress. This book did have a fade to black, but the scene was so sweetly sexy and poignant in the lead up that I didn't feel short-changed.

So I'm so glad I gave the book a try. And if you're wondering how I ended up picking the book up at all since it's not my preferred genre (because I'm always curious about how readers find a book), here's how it went: Sierra Godfrey, who I met through blogging, mentioned how much she liked Liza Palmer's blog and her writing. So I went to the blog and really enjoyed her voice (and her 80s references) and thought "Hmm, if her blog is this funny, maybe I'd like her books." This was a passing thought. Not a purchasing decision.

Then I went to RWA and she was at one of the free signings. So even though I had my stack of books with shirtless mancandy covers already (score), I thought, "Hey, look. I thought I might like her books. Maybe I'll give this one a try." (Yes, I still go to the free signings at RWA. I know this is probably considered tacky by some once you're published and all, but yanno, me + books + free = an inevitable conclusion. My will is not iron. Sue me--or don't, I've already had enough of that this year. ;) )

So that's how I found my way to this book. And now I will pay for future books because I'm a fan and know that I'll probably like her others since I enjoyed this one so much.

So anyway, the book is fantastic. Read it. Laugh. Cry. Picture Sam naked.

More Like Her  by Liza Palmer

Genre: Women's Fiction/Chick Lit

Summary (from Amazon):

What really goes on behind those perfect white picket fences?

In Frances’s mind, beautiful, successful, ecstatically married Emma Dunham is the height of female perfection. Frances, recently dumped with spectacular drama by her boyfriend, aspires to be just like Emma. So do her close friends and fellow teachers, Lisa and Jill. But Lisa’s too career-focused to find time for a family. And Jill’s recent unexpected pregnancy could have devastating consequences for her less-than-perfect marriage.

Yet sometimes the golden dream you fervently wish for turns out to be not at all what it seems—like Emma’s enviable suburban postcard life, which is about to be brutally cut short by a perfect husband turned killer. And in the shocking aftermath, three devastated friends are going to have to come to terms with their own secrets . . . and somehow learn to move forward after their dream is exposed as a lie.



And I've been on a bit of a reading binge in between my writing binges lately, so here are two others I've read and loved recently:



Genre: Erotic Contemporary
Summary (from Amazon):

When struggling waitress Melody Dylan gives a handsome, lonely stranger a simple gift she has no clue her life is about to take a drastic turn.

The stranger ends up being Clay Powers, a famous UFC heavyweight fighter. Clay’s large build and dangerous fists have always intimidated. People in his hometown keep their distance and Clay is fine with that. Everything changes when a new waitress at the local diner buys him a piece of pie on Thanksgiving. Touched by the gesture when it’s obvious she can barely afford to survive, her warm smile and lush body churn up powerful feelings that leave Clay wanting more from her than pie.

Melody is running from her past and the small, country town of Garnet is the perfect hiding place. With an ex-husband after her and scars from her abusive marriage etched deep, the last thing she expects is to fall for a man who makes a living with his fists, but she can’t resist Clay or the tender connection they share.

Finding love in the most unlikely of places, the passion is undeniable, but Clay and Melody know their haunted pasts and unpredictable futures leave the odds stacked against them.

My take: Sexy and sweet. I devoured this one in a day. I haven't read anything by Kele Moon that I haven't liked.

Wife for Hire  by Christine Bell
Genre: Contemporary Romance
Summary (from Amazon):
He needs a wife for three weeks…

Owen Phipps is out for revenge. His mission? To expose the man who stole his sister’s money and dignity. All he needs is a “wife” who can play along. Too bad his last best hope is an actress who tries to mace him with perfume when he offers her the role of a lifetime.

Lindy Knight is a real sap. She loves too hard, feels too deep, and often finds herself saying yes when she should be saying “Let me think about it.” She can’t believe her good fortune when Owen offers her more than enough money to hold off foreclosure until she can find a job. Three weeks at a resort, money she desperately needs, and she gets to help bring a criminal to justice? Score.

It seems easy enough until a couples bonding game turns intimate, and they realize how dangerous their mutual attraction could be. Can they keep their hands to themselves long enough to find the evidence Owen needs? Or are the close quarters more temptation than they can handle?

My take: Funny and sweet and just an all around enjoyable romp. Full disclosure, I know Christine. But I don't pimp books I don't love. Truly. You'll never hear me singing some book's praises just to be nice to someone. (If I don't like it, I just say nothing at all, lol.)

So anyone else get book hangover? What great books have you read lately? And what gets you to pick up a book that's outside your normal genre preferences?


Fill-Me-In Friday: Best Writing Links of the Week

Cave Silhouette

Photo via NeilsPhotography (Flickr CC)

*peeks out from writing cave* *blinks* Wow, there's light out there. And people.

Writing Update: How is it Friday already? I think I missed a couple of days this week. I've been trying to write with the Fast Draft mentality this week (not true fast draft of 5k a day, but writing without obsessing and going back constantly to fix stuff.) It's definitely not my natural state and I get walloped with the anxiety of it all at least once a day--what if I'm going in the wrong direction, what if I'm writing all these words that won't be used, etc. Ack. But so far, I haven't gone back, and in the last three days I've written about 7k words, which is a decent pace. Hopefully they're mostly the right words. We'll see.

Book Update: There will be official announcements coming soon, but I did get a couple of good news things this week. All I'll say for now is that it looks like you'll be getting stories from The Ranch for a while to come. : )

All right, now on to the best links I've come across this week...


On Writing/Publishing: 



On Social Media/Promotion:



What You May Have Missed Here:



For Gits and Shiggles:

  • 2012 BTCA finalists <--Want to know what crazy deep-fried concoctions have finaled for this year's Texas State Fair? I think the deep-fried cinnamon roll with bacon is going to be the one I get in line for.


 All right, that's what I've got for this week. How has your week been? Hope y'all have a great weekend!