I'm taking a 6-month sabbatical.

Starting next week, I’m taking a six-month sabbatical. Some things will continue: promo for my next book when July gets closer, the RAD Reading podcast, and my Substack newsletter. Most of my social media will be put on pause except for book announcements. I’m putting a hold on teaching clases. I’m also taking a break from writing under deadline.

I explain why I’m doing this and what the process will look like in my Substack letter today if you’d like to read more.

What -to-Read Decision Fatigue & Relishing the Ridiculous

Just wanted to pop in and update you on a few things.

First, if you missed my last post, I’ve moved my newsletter to Substack. The good news is that you can view it online before subscribing to see if it’s your jam. Also, it lets you leave comments like a blog post! I have a new letter over there today about Relishing the Ridiculous: Bonkers romance plots, Hallmark-style movies, and the gift of not having to be so serious all the time.

You can read the whole thing for free here!

There’s also a new episode of RAD Reading out today. We’re talking about What-to-Read Decision fatigue and how to read those Amazon and Goodreads reviews because not all is as it seems. :)

Listen in your favorite podcast app:

I’m also offering a free download of the TBR spreadsheet I use to keep track of recommendations and why I wanted to read something in the first place. Just scroll down in that post I linked to and you can grab that in the show notes.

And in case you missed it, Crash Into You, my very first novel and the start of The Loving on the Edge series is on sale for $2.99 in ebook. It’s usually $15.99 in ebook, y’all, so grab it. Book 2, Melt Into You, is also on deep discount at $5.99!

That’s all for now. Have a great weekend!