Photo via Ben Salter (Flickr cc)Is it Friday already? Wow, weeks fly when there's a deadline looming. : ) Today will be a pretty short list since my web surfing time has been limited lately, but I wanted to pass along a few links of awesomeness I came across this week.
But first, an announcement. :) My NEW covers with their new look for my series will be revealed on Tuesday on the USA Today Happily Ever After blog! Yay! Can't wait to share them with y'all. That also means I'm going to need to find some time to update my website and the header because I've got a brand new...uh brand. :)
Alright, on to the links...
On Writing/Publishing:
Screenwriting Tricks for Authors - FREE this week! <-- love this book, go get it
What's New in YA? Mashups via Publisher's Weekly
Author Image | Annie Neugebauer <--should your author photo match the vibe of your books? (I know mine doesn't. But I've got no shot of being dark and sexy in a photo. My non-smiling expression in photos always look like a frog is peeing on my foot.)
NA Alley: Entangled Publishing Announcement <--more news on the New Adult front
On Social Networking/Marketing:
The Bookshelf Muse: The Path To 10K In Sales: Strategy, Luck & Mistakes
Who Needs a Platform? | Rachelle Gardner
Author, Jody Hedlund: Is Blogging a Time-Suck for Writers? <--really interesting discussion and points from James Scott Bell on both Rachelle's and Jody's post.
For Gits and Shiggles:
This Risotto Gonna F**k You Up, Son via Chuck Wendig - so, so funny. He needs his own cooking show.
EXCLUSIVE Cover Reveal: Maya Banks’s Breathless Trilogy! <--so purty
What You May Have Missed Here:
Is Reading the Genre You're Currently Writing Dangerous?
That's what I've got for this week. Hope you all have a fabulous weekend! I think I'm going to head out to the TX State Fair for all things deep-fried (cinnamon rolls, grilled cheese, jambalaya, the list goes on.) :)