American Idol is one of my favorite shows. I've watched every season since the first and though my favorite hardly every wins (Kelly Clarkson and Carrie Underwood being the exceptions), I still can't resist watching. This week I'm still in mourning over Colton leaving, so I thought I'd look back at some of my favorite ever performances from the show.
These are in no particular order...
Adam Lambert's Mad World - Oh, how I heart Adam. There's nothing better than a true rock voice mixed with mad talent.
(This version is from the finale. It wouldn't let me embed the first time he sang it on the show.)
Hailey Reinhart's I Who Have Nothing - Hailey wasn't one of my faves because she had a bit of trouble handling criticism, but she sang the mess out of this song.
Carrie Underwood singing Heart's Alone - Okay, so the hairdo needed work but Carrie can sing her face off and this is one of my favorite songs ever.
David Cook singing Michael Jackson's Billie Jean. I also liked his version of Hello by Lionel Ritchie.
Chris Daughtry singing "Walk the Line"
Pia Toscano - I'll Stand by You (She went home way too early. She was so robbed.)
Kelly Clarkson had so many fab performances, but this is one of my faves--Natural Woman
Alright, those are the ones that I could think of off the top of my head. What were some of your faves? What's been your fave this year?