This month's theme is COZY. Fall is finally here! Down in Texas that is a huge reason to celebrate because it means an end to the oppressive summer heat. We've finally gotten a snap of cooler weather this week and I am so here for it. I hate when we have hot Halloweens. This week I was even able to light the first fire of the season. Hurrah!
So, I'll give you some of my picks and then tell you what I hope to read and watch this month.
What to Read:
The Men at Work trilogy by Tiffany Reisz
Tiffany Reisz's Men at Work books are such a great seasonal treat. Each one tackles a holiday, all are sexy, and they're super fun. Plus, they take place in the Pacific Northwest, so perfect cozy up weather as a setting. You can read any of them as standalones but they are a great trio to grab.
The Little Book of Hygge by Meik Wiking
The concept of Hygge is kind of a trend right now so you may have seen it around, but I really enjoyed this brief little book on how to Danes do things. Hygge is ALL about the cozy. I read this in the summer and it made me YEARN for cold weather. Fireplaces and comfort food and candles and blankets and friends. Bring it on.
This Is Where You Belong by Melody Warnick
I'm about two-thirds of the way through this one, but I've really enjoyed it so far. I may write a full post on it when I'm done, but I think it plays well to the theme of cozy. The premise is learning to love where you live. I really like the idea of this. No matter where you live, there are always going to be things you don't like or places you might think are better. But each city has its own charms and unique features. This is a book about digging into those and embracing them. I love the idea of being happy right where you are.
Off the Ice by Julie Cross
A super adorable YA story about family, falling in love, small towns, and hockey. I read this book in its early stages because Julie and I are friends, but it stuck with me. It's the perfect winter read to cozy up with (and I know nothing about hockey, so that's not a requirement.)
What to Watch:
When Harry Met Sally
Do I really have to explain this one? A must watch.
You've Got Mail
Meg Ryan gets all the best cozy fall movies. New York and fall and bookstores. What's not to love? This one is due for a rewatch by me.
College movies with Robin Williams in them...
Still breaks my heart knowing we've lost such a great talent. Prepare the box of tissues for both of these.
Dead Poet's Society
Good Will Hunting
Gilmore Girls
I overloaded on the movie suggestions this time, but if you want a cozy watch for TV, you can't go wrong with the GIlmore Girls. Small town, much coffee drinking, lots of scarves.
What I'll Be Reading
I have a few possibilities in mind. I haven't chosen yet, but these are the candidates.
Murder in the Mystery Suite by Ellery Adams
I realized the other day when I saw the preview for Murder on the Orient Express that I used to love Agatha Christie books. Well, the modern day version of that style is called the cozy mystery. So it's perfect for this month's theme. And this cozy mystery is based at a book retreat--so mystery and books! I'm in. Plus, after two many grim thrillers, it's sometimes nice to read a mystery that's fun and free of gore.
The Cottage on Pumpkin and Vine by Kate Angell, Jennifer Dawson, and Sharla Lovelace
This cover totally got me. I mean, that just screams cozy fall read.
Dear Fahrenheit 451 by Annie Spence
A librarian writes love letters and break up letters to books. I love this concept and plan to put this one on my bedside table to read in little bites.
My Kitchen Year by Ruth Reichl
What's cozier than a food memoir? This is the story of what happened to head editor Ruth Reichl after Gourmet magazine was suddenly shut down and she found herself without a job. She turned to food and cooking to process everything and heal. There are recipes in here but I've been told it reads more like a memoir, not a cookbook.
What I'll Be Watching
Stranger Things
I loved the first season of Stranger Things, so I can't wait to dive into season 2. Nothing like a good, spooky TV show for the fall.
Murder on the Orient Express
I read the book in high school (because I had awesome English teachers who assigned cool books) and I'm so excited about the movie. Also, it's been so long since I've read it, I don't remember who the murderer is, lol. So I'll be surprised!
That's my list for the month. What will you be reading and watching?