I know it's been a little while since I've blogged, but I've just returned from a week in Florida at the Romance Writers of America conference. I had the best time and...I won a RITA! I'm thrilled and flattered and all the happy words to announce that OFF THE CLOCK won for Best Erotic Romance of the Year!
Me, RITA, and my writer buddies Genivieve Lynne and Dawn Alexander.
This year I managed not to ugly cry on stage...but just barely. You can watch all of the awards on the replay video (my award is at the one hour and 22 minute mark if you're interested. But I look WAY more calm than I felt, lol.) Also, you may have to fast forward a little to get the video started.
And if you'd like to see ALL the winners in all the categories, check out the list here and go add to your TBR pile! : )
Thanks to RWA and the judges and congrats to all the winners!