But outside of book news, I wanted to pop in and share something that I'm finding really helpful as I prepare for 2017. Most of you know that I'm a junkie for goal-setting workbooks and planners. Well, this year I'm using Your Best Year by Lisa Jacobs (which I used last year), and now I've added in Lara Casey's Powersheets. I'm loving those, too.
One thing that the Powersheets ask you to do is to choose a Word of the Year, a one word theme for what you want your next year to embody. Gretchen Rubin also talked about choosing a word of the year in her podcast today if you want to hear more about it.
This is a word (or phrase) that you want to respresent your 2017. I think this can be less intimidating than setting specific goals (though I do that, too). One word can be a motivator and a guiding light. So, say your word is Peace. That can help you as you're making more specific goals and plans for next year--i.e. Will doing x, y, z bring me more peace or is it going to add to my stress? It's a litmus test.
I thought about this over the last week, and I've decided that my word for 2017 is going to be RISE. It speaks to a few different things I want. I want my word count/writing output to rise. I want my career to rise to the next level. And I want to rise above the things that drag me down. So, it's a multipurpose word that hits a number of aspects of my life. And now I have my guiding principle as I move forward and as I decide how I'm going to allocate my time and focus in 2017.
So, I'm challenging you today. What's your word going to be for 2017? I'd love to hear it! :)