Today I have a special treat for you. Tiffany Reisz is back, giving us ALL the boyfriends from her debut novel THE SIREN
. If you haven't read this book yet, what are you waiting for? It's gorgeous and dark and beautifully written. Plus hello, it has all these delicious men in it. Really, this isn't because she's a friend, her book is amazing. This story convinced me I could enjoy erotica and not just erotic romance. (Yes, there's a difference.)
THE SIREN has been early-released in ebook, so you can get it now. The paperback will be out in July.
Now over ot Tiffany and her men--oh, and fair warning if you're at work, Tiffany's excerpts are 18+.
Boyfriends of the Week - The Siren
Hi Friends and Fellow Man-Lovers!
Once again Roni’s bad judgment has gotten the better of her and she’s allowing me to run roughshod all over her blog. I’m not here for the Boyfriend of the Week post. I’m here for the BoyfriendS of the Week.
That’s right. BoyfriendS. Plural. It’s the week of THE SIREN (my full-length erotic women’s fiction debut), and I brought all my men with me.
At a recent writers’ conference, my agent described THE SIREN as a book with a hero, a heroine, another hero, another hero, another hero, and another heroine. Pretty accurate assessment. After all, THE SIREN is merely book one in an eight-book series called THE ORIGINAL SINNERS. I need a whole lot of sinners if I’m going to fill up eight books.
THE SIREN is the story of Nora Sutherlin, a quirky and beautiful Dominatrix and her rich and powerful lovers and clients. She’s also an erotica writer on killer deadlines and the world’s sexiest editor is cracking the whip. On top of that, she’s got a nymphomaniac Frenchman for a boss, an all-American, virginal teenage boy for an intern, and you don’t even want to know who she’s sleeping with.
Oh wait. Yes, you do.
Let’s meet our boys, shall we?
Hero #1
Zachary “Zach” Easton
Occupation: Uptight editor of literary fiction
Hobbies: Being British and mean to his writers
“You do realize that working with you could be bad for my career,” Zach said. “I do literary fiction, not-”
“Literary friction?”
“I can’t believe I’m doing this.” Zach shook his head.
Nora leaned in close to him. He was suddenly and uncomfortably aware of the long, bare curve of her neck. She smelled of hothouse flowers in bloom.
“I can.” She breathed the words into his ear.
Hero #2
Wesley “Wes” Railey
Occupation: Full-time College Student, Part-time Babysitter to a Writer
Hobbies: Horseback riding and trying to get Nora to behave for five whole minutes
“It's okay,” he said a little breathlessly. He curled up around the pillow and pulled his legs into his chest. “It's just, you're, I’m…”
“Turned on? I know you are. You’re accent gets thicker when you get-”
“Nora, please.”
“You can tell me, Wes.”
“Yes,” he confessed. “Very. I'm sorry. Just give me a few minutes to think about my dead grandmother and I'll be okay.”
“Can I help you?”
“I don't think so. You never met my dead grandmother.”
Hero #3
Griffin Randolfe Fiske
Occupation: Trust Fund Baby
Hobbies: Causing trouble, getting tattoos, lifting weights, going to rehab, flirting with everyone.
“Blowjob on a British guy?” Griffin asked with some concern. “You're a braver bitch than I. No offense,” Griffin said turning to Zach. “I have a foreskin phobia.”
“Zach's Jewish,” Nora said.
Griffin nodded his approval. “Mazel tov.”
Hero? #4
Kingsley Edge (not his real last name)
Occupation: Clubowner and King of New York’s Underground BDSM Scene
Hobbies: Seducing women, seducing men, being French and attractive, shopping
“Miss me?” Nora asked.
“I miss you. My bank account misses you.”
“Your bank account is bigger than the G.D.P. of Luxembourg, King.”
“Oui, Maîtresse.” He took a bigger swig of his drink. “But Luxembourg is such a small kingdom.”
Hero #5
Occupation: You’ll have to read the book to find out.
Hobbies: Playing piano and mindfucking anyone who tries to get in-between him and Nora
“You know her that well, do you?” Søren asked, turning to face him full on. “Before tonight she scared you, didn’t she? Her fearlessness, her brazenness, I’m sure it’s terrifying at first. Foreign to those who lead the proverbial life of quiet desperation as I imagine you do. She scared you with the sheer force of her life and being. But now you look around and think her courage is merely a byproduct of her damage. You imagine I abused her, changed her. And you would save her, as Wesley imagines he can? You would be her knight in shining armor? Yes, before you feared her and now you pity her. I assure you, Zachary, you were right the first time.”
Tiffany Reisz lives in Lexington, Kentucky with her boyfriend (a reformed book reviewer) and two cats (one good, one evil). She graduated with a B.A. in English from Centre College in Danville, Kentucky and is making both her parents and her professors proud by writing BDSM erotica under her real name. She has five piercings, one tattoo, and has been arrested twice.
When not under arrest, Tiffany enjoys Latin Dance, Latin Men, and Latin Verbs. She dropped out of a conservative southern seminary in order to pursue her dream of becoming a smut peddler. Johnny Depp’s aunt was her fourth grade teacher. Her first full-length novel THE SIREN was inspired by a desire to tie up actor Jason Isaacs (on paper). She hopes someday life will imitate art (in bed).
If she couldn’t write, she would die.
Thanks, Tiffany! Whew, alright, so which hero are you going for? I have a bit of a thing for Wesley, but Tiffany makes all her heroes interestiing so it's definitely a hard choice. :)