Parisian Love Lock Photo by Allen Skyy (click photo for link)
If you were not able to attend DFW Con this year, then you missed out on my How to Write Love Scenes That Don't Suck class. But don't stress, for this one time only, I'm going to be offering this class free through Candace Havens' free writer workshop loop. The class starts Monday June 18 and ends on the 22nd. The information will be through a yahoo loop so you don't have to be present at any specific time during the day but will need to check in to participate at some point each day.
Here's the class description:
How To Write Love Scenes That Don't Suck -- Whether you're writing YA, thrillers, or melt-the-pages romance, no one wants to write love scenes that have readers skimming the pages. Learn tips and tricks on how to write different types of love scenes, how to tailor them to your genre, the components of a great love scene, and how to get past any oh-no-my-mother-might-read-this qualms.
To sign up go here, scroll down, and sign up for the yahoo loop under Free Writing Workshops.
Hope to see y'all there! :)
CONTEST ALERT: And in case you missed it on Monday my contest is still open - Order STILL INTO YOU This Week and Win a Box of Awesome, a gift card, or a 20 page critique from me!