"I wish I was like you. Easily amused."
Maybe that could be seen as an insult, but I think it's a blessing. If you're easily amused, you're easily cheered up. So here's my list:
1. Singing and dancing (badly) while I cook dinner. - I realized the other night after singing/murdering Sia's "Chandelier" and then dancing to Salt-N-Pepa's "Push It" while I cooked dinner that these are the things that will be the background of kidlet's childhood when he looks back. His mom singing badly in the kitchen. And that made me smile.
2. The silly things kidlet says - This week, I asked him to do something and responded with "Okay, Beyonce." That made me burst out in a laugh. He is always coming up with things that surprise me. Like another time, he was repeating a Wranglers commercial and said the tagline as "Real. Crunchable. Jeans." So now that's what I always hear. :)
3. My husband playfully teasing me - My husband and I have similar senses of humor, which is one of the reasons I fell for him. But he's a guy always looking for a way to make a funny comment, to tease me, or to make me smile. And he rides a joke all the way through the end and then beats it until it's dead. That's his style. Like the time he kept getting a song I didn't want in my head. He eventually stopped singing it. I thought it was done. Then a week later, I'm cooking and hear the song playing, but can't find where it's coming from. He'd hid the player in a cabinet and put the song on repeat. Took me three renditions to find the thing. Yeah. That's my hubs. :)
4. Reading - Obvs.
5. Pens, Planners, Stickers, Doodling (badly) - Y'all know about my planner/office supply addiction. Maybe it's silly. I had someone this weekend look at me like I'd grown another head when I said I use a paper planner (WHY?!! There are apps!). But it makes me happy, keeps me organized, and gives me a creative outlet that isn't tied to writing.
6. GIFs - Let's just say I was way too happy when I got the capability of putting GIFs straight into text messages. :)
So what are the little things that make you happy?