I am so so so excited that today is here! Pike's book released today! Out everywhere in ebook and print. (Note: Print has a bonus short story about Dr. Theo Montogomery, the submisive doctor who has appeared in some of the series.)
If you're new to this series, feel free to jump in here. All the books can stand alone. If you're a longtime reader (thank you!), I hope you enjoy seeing Pike get his happy ending. :)
Here's the info and be sure to scroll to the bottom for a chance to win 4 gourmet brownies from Wicked Cupcakes!
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About the book:
Oakley Easton wants two things: to be a good mom to her daughter and to ditch her less than ideal night job. Hooking up with bad boy drummer Pike Ryland? Not on the agenda. She needs a promotion. Not sex, tattoos and rock ’n’ roll.
Pike isn’t about to let Ms. Prim and Proper shut him down so easily, especially when he stumbles upon Oakley’s sexy night job. She’s only playing a role on those late night calls with strangers, but when he gets her on the line, all bets are off. He won’t stop until that sultry voice is calling his name for real.
But as they move from anonymous fantasies in the dark to the flesh-on-hot-flesh reality of the bedroom, the risk of falling in love becomes all too high. And the safe, quiet world that Oakley’s worked so hard to create is about to be exposed to the one person who could ruin it all.
She startled and stiffened, instantly yanked out of her less than PG thoughts. “What?”
He leaned back in his chair, vague confusion on his face. “I asked if wanted to keep working in that back room? We could rehearse at the studio once they’re close to being ready to record. But until then, it’s probably more trouble than it’s worth to cart everyone over there. It’s not that big of a place.”
“Rehearse in the back room?” she repeated, running the words back in her head to make sense of them. “Oh, right, yes, that’s fine. I’m sorry. I thought you said something else.”
She eyed the small bellini she’d ordered with her meal. Maybe that had been a bad idea. She was hearing things now.
Screw in the bathroom? How the hell had she gotten that out of what he’d said? Of course, now all she could think of was him doing just that—taking her by the elbow and leading her to that dark alcove at the back of the restaurant, pushing her up against that wall with the faded Italian flag on it and putting his hands all over her. She licked her top lip, tasting the sweet remnants of her drink. Pull it together, woman.
Apparently, once her libido had been brave enough to peep its head out, it had decided it was Groundhog Day and needed to run around, declaring spring was coming early. She hated to break the news, but nothing and no one was coming anytime soon.
“What did you think I said?” Pike took a long sip from his drink, his snake charmer eyes never leaving hers.
She followed suit, hoping the fruity drink would cool off more than her throat. “Doesn’t matter.”
His lips twitched. “You’re all red.”
“I think it’s the bellini. I don’t drink very often.”
“No way.” His expression turned smug. “You thought I said something dirty, didn’t you?”
“Huh?” She smoothed her napkin in her lap, trying to loosen the tightness in her voice. “No. Why would I think that? You’ve been very professional since we got here—which I appreciate by the way.”
His gaze slid lazily down her body, like butter melting over toast, and goddamn it all to hell, she could feel her nipples go hard and obvious beneath her bra. No wonder he’d figured it out. Her body was waving all kinds of flags in his face. Hey! Over here! Horny girl, booth eight!
“I am capable of being professional, you know,” he said, but his tone was all sex and sin. “I’m also more than happy to turn that off when the occasion calls for it. So why don’t you tell me what you thought you heard and why it’s gotten you all flushed and nervous?”
“I’m not nervous.”
He grinned.
Dammit. She schooled her face into a stoic expression. “The music is too loud in here. I thought you propositioned me to defile the restroom.”
Hie eyebrow ring twitched. “Now you’re just trying to turn me on with those big, stiff words of yours.”
All she heard was big and stiff at first, but she managed to rein in her temporary insanity. “We’re so not going to do this.”
“Well, probably not here, you’re right. I saw those bathrooms. But—“
“No, I mean, any of this. Flirting. Teasing. Whatever this is.”
He leaned onto his forearms, looking all too pleased that he’d gotten a confession out of her. “You got a guy?”
“No,” she said before she could get wise and fib.
“Then why can’t we do this?”
“Because I’m not interested.”
She huffed. “Are you always this cocky?”
“No, it’s dialed down right now. I can get way worse.”
She stirred her drink. “Not. Possible.”
His lips spread into a menacing smile. “Challenge accepted.”
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