First up is After I Do by Taylor Jenkins Reid. I read One True Loves by the same author last year and LOVED it. It was one of my favorite reads of the year, so I don't know why it took me so long to pick up another book by Reid. Luckily, I was not disappointed. I didn't love this one quite as much as One True Loves (the bar was high, y'all), but I really enjoyed this story about a married couple that decides to take a year break from each other to try to save their marriage. I love Reid's voice and her humor. I also felt like the little frustrations of married life (and how they can become big problems) were realistically portrayed. The secondary characters were fantastic as well. Now, be warned, this is women's fiction not a traditional romance. However, I can tell you it's a satisfying ending.
Next up, is a dark and steamy erotic romance. Hostage by Annika Martin and Skye Warren is the second in the Captives and Criminals series (Prisoner was the first.) You can read it as a standalone, though. Warning, these are dark romances with antiheroes. That is not always an easy thing to pull off, but this writing duo does it well. The hero is a murderer (for very good reasons) but still...murderer. He meets the heroine by taking her hostage. So know what you're getting yourself into, lol. But if you're willing to go there, this was a page-turner and a very steamy read. I always feel a little wrong after reading this series, but I'm okay with that. ;)
So what have you been reading lately? (I'm listening to Shonda Rimes's Year of Yes on audio and loving it.)