Have you joined up for the Summer #ListifyLife challenge? It's easy, just pick the topic of the week and post your list wherever you like with the hashtag. :) This week's topic is where you love to shop. This one was way too easy for me, lol.
2. Homegoods - I'm not a big clothes shopper, but I love shopping for home stuff. Plus, they have a great office/stationary section where I always find cool stuff for cheap.
3. Target - I have to get necessities here but I also can't resist the dollar aisle.
4. Barnes and Noble - I don't think I need an explanation here.
5. Etsy - I have a bit of a planner sticker addiction and Etsy feeds it. But I comfort myself by telling myself that I am supporting home businesses run by awesome women. :)
6. Central Market - This is a gourmet grocery store in Texas. It's kind of like Whole Foods but more focused on gourmet foods than organic/health. It's a beautiful store and the produce section is the BEST.
Those are mine. I'd love to hear some of yours!