Photo by David FrielSo normally Friday's are reserved for my Fill-Me-In Friday links round up, but this week a few unexpected things have come up. One, Delicious, the site I use to curate and organize all my links through the week changed their set up. I used to be able to keep each week's links in their own stacks. But they took that away and I've lost my stacks. :sadface: So I need to find a new way to organize my weekly links that is as streamlined as Delicious used to be. If you have a system that you use and like let me know in the comments.
The other thing that came up this week was that my publisher started to have concerns about the storyline of my current WIP, worrying that it wasn't going to be as widely appealing as we'd want it to be. I knew the storyline was a bit of a risk, but hearing that got me a little worried. My editor was willing to let me go with it if I felt passionate about that direction, but I was at the point in drafting where I could still change the story. And I'm still so early in my career that I don't want to do anything that's going to put an extra hurdle in front of my books. So even though this book is due in less than 3 months, I'm going to scrap and start again. >.<
So writer lesson of the day is the tagline from the Big Brother show: Expect the unexpected.
This isn't a job where everything is neat and planned and the same steps happen every time. Things are going to get thrown at you and you may not have a lot of time to absorb the blow. You just put your head down and get back to work.
In the end, I think this change is going to be a good thing. I love these characters and I hope readers will too. But if you run across me in the next few weeks and I look like this picture, you'll know why.
So what unexpected thing has hit you lately? And if any of you have suggestion for how to organize my links each week, let me know.