Today has been declared the Official Kissing Day Blogfest by Sherrinda! So, being a big fan of kissing scenes (and kissing in general), I have decided to participate. Many are going to be posting kissing scenes from their WIPs, but I have developed a phobia about posting my writing online. There are a few writing contests I have entered that require the work not be published in any form and they specify that online counts--so, I will not be doing that.
However, I thought I would post two of my favorite TV kissing scenes from "back in the day" that I still get all warm and fuzzy over no matter how many times I see them. Enjoy! And if you want to participate, be sure to sign up on Sherrinda's linky thing.
First, Pacey and Joey of Dawson's Creek
Then, Ross and Rachel of Friends...
*sigh* I ♥ love between friends.
How about you? What's your favorite TV/movie/book kissing scene? And if you're participating in kissing day, leave your link below!
How about you? What's your favorite TV/movie/book kissing scene? And if you're participating in kissing day, leave your link below!
**Also, for those of you who have had trouble commenting because of firewalls and such at work, I have switched to the pop up window comment format (with no word verification). Let me know if that works. Thanks!**
**Today's Theme Song**
"Crazy For You" - Madonna
(player in sidebar if you'd like a listen)