I'm usually not one to make resolutions beyond the annual dieting thing that last until about mid-February, but this year, I'm going to do a few and try to hold myself accountable. So here goes...
My Mostly Realistic Writing Goals
I will write 1000 words/day five days a week when I am in the rough draft phase and edit at least 10 pages a day when in editing phase.
I will continue to blog five days a week as long as you guys don't up and bail on me. :)
I will complete and edit one category length novel and will at least write a rough draft of a full length.
My Reading Goal
I have joined the 100+ Reading Challenge. I think I'm around the 85 mark for this year now, so I don't think is totally out there.
My Personal Goals
Eat healthier and buy organic and local when I can afford it (I watched Food, Inc.recently which got me feeling all activist-y, that's what happens when I watch documentaries. I'm secretly a granola munching hippy--just don't tell any of my neighbors.)
Do some form of exercise that involves more than fingers flying over keys and chasing my two year old when he gets a hold of the toilet paper roll.. I just ordered a Wii Fit, so I'm hoping that actually is exercise and not just an excuse to play video games. If anyone has one, let me know what you think.
I will not let every towel in the house get dirty before I do a load of laundry.
Potty-train my son (fun times ahead)
My Oprah-style, Positive Thinking, Vision Board, Putting the Universe on Notice Goals
I will figure out a way to attend the National Romance Writers of America conference in Nashville.
I will sell Wanderlust to a publisher.
(how cool is this, btw?)
Also, in spirit of New Years Resolutions Karen over at I'm Always Write is holding a contest. There are great prizes involved, so go check it out!
Alright, so those are my goals, what are your resolutions for the new year? Anyone putting the universe on notice like I am?
Happy New Years Everyone! Hope 2010 bring your nothing but love, happiness, and success!
**Today's Theme Song**
"Don't Stop Believin' " - The Glee Cast
(I love Journey but who can resist the Glee version ?)
-player in sidebar, take a listen-