I mentioned in a post last week that one of my goals is to write 1000 words a day. Well, InkyGirl has made it official with cool badges and such. The rules are simple: write 1000 words a day, 6 days a week. I'm cheating a bit because I'm only committing to five days a week. The weekends are my family days. But I'm going to try to do my best otherwise to meet this goal with my WIP.
There are also 500 word and 250 word versions of the challenge if the 1000 doesn't fit for you.

I'm hoping this will give me motivation to write even on those days where I feel stuck or nothing is coming to me. My internal editor can get the best of me, so this forces me to push past that. It isn't necessarily the 1000 GREAT words a day challenge. But writing bad ones can help me decide what direction I want the scene to go in. So I'm going to go for it
Also, before I forget I wanted to thank Laurel at Laurel's Leaves and Katie at Step 1 for giving me the Blogging Writer Award. Thanks you guys! Both these ladies have wonderful, helfpul blogs, so make sure and go check them out!

So are any of you jumping on this with me? Do you set daily writing goals for yourself or do you find that stifling?
**Today's Theme Song**
"One Day More" - Les Miserables Soundtrack
(player in sidebar, take a listen)