This week we have not just one but two guests! Feels a little strange because that means I'm not blogging on here except for Friday's round up. But when I have guests with great things to say, I can't resist!
So today I'm welcoming back Mina Khan who is debuting Nov. 1 with Harlequin. Congrats, Mina!
Now, over to Mina...
3 Tips for Writing Paranormals
by Mina Khan
Hi all!Thank you Roni for having me over again!
I loveRoni’s thought-provoking blog posts that make me think and always teach mesomething new. So when she invited me blog here to celebrate my upcomingrelease – THE DJINN’S DILEMMA, available Nov. 1, I wanted to try and uphold herstandard.
I writeParanormal Erotic Romance because, well, that’s what I love to read. I like a story that helps me escape the chaosof ordinary life (having kids, cats & dogs will do that) with itsparanormal elements, that brings together love and spicy sex for combustiblechemistry. Mmm, delicious!
So itsaddens me to hear predictions like the paranormals are on the way out,vampires are dead (actually, they are the undead…so there!) and the market isglutted, so new stories aren’t selling. Here’s what I believe: there’s alwaysroom for a good story with great characters.
The bestthing about being a paranormal writer is bringing to life the fantasticcreatures that haunt our dreams and live in the shadows of our psyche. Thehardest thing is bringing them alive in readers’ minds. Here are some tips Ipicked up in my writing journey:
1. Look within you. You can assign thesame topic to five separate writers and end up with five very different storiesbecause people are individuals. We all bring our own brand of fears, secrets,desires, and experiences to the writing table. Use them and you will create newtwists and unique creatures.
For my novella, THE DJINN’S DILEMMA,I delved into stories of djinns and ghosts from my Bengali childhood, broughtin my experience as a journalist in Texas, and added a liberal dash of what Ilove about men as a grown woman. J
2. Yes, you’re writing monsters andcreatures, but make them real, almost flesh and blood. I’m not saying they have to be human in anyphysical sense, but they have to be real and relatable for readers. Things Ilove about my hero Rukh O’Shay include his sense of humor and his take on life.When he hurt, I hurt. I actually cried when I wrote one scene toward the end.
3. Have fun, stretch your imagination,and then make it plausible. Since this is your world, populated by yourcreatures, don’t limit yourself. Write what you want to write. Rukh, my djinnassassin, melts into shadows and controls air, he flies around all over Austinwithout an airplane, and he pops in on the heroine (the Texas journalist) inthe middle of a shower. All completelyfun…and plausible within the context of the story.
As a writerI love letting my imagination run and play with crazy possibilities. Some daysI feel quite a bit like Dr. Frankenstein. How fun would it be to have a ghostwho’s scared of the dark or a super-model who turns into a hairy werewolf? So,if you were coming up with paranormal characters, what kind of specialcreatures would you create?
You canfind her on facebook
Her website
or ontwitter @SpiceBites
The Djinn's Dilemma
will be available Nov. 1 from HarlequinNocturne’s Cravings line.
Sarah sharesthe raw desire to connect with Rukh. He can turn her on with a glance, andsatisfies needs she didn't even know she had.
But Rukh hadbeen hired to kill her—and the only way to save her is to find out who wantsher dead before someone else finishes the job….
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