It's that time of week where I round up my favorite posts (and shamelessly re-pimp my own). Hope you all enjoy and have a wonderful weekend!
On Writing and Publishing:
Writers Must Write First by Susan Kaye Quinn
The Number One Overlooked Skill for Every Author by Writer Unboxed
Reasons Not To Self-Publish in 2011-2012 at The Millions
Platform and Social Media Must Not Be Your Center by Jane Friedman
The New Media Melee - 5 Indisputable Truths of Author Marketing by Idyll Conversation
Can SEO Help You Sell More Books? by The Creative Penn
Is the Traditional Book Dead? by Jim Devitt
My Twitter Retweeting Policy by John Scalzi
Are You Blogging to the Wrong Audience? by Meghan Ward
When Do Readers Trust You? by C. Hope Clark
What You May Have Missed Here:

“...a sexy, sizzling tale that is sure to have readers begging for more!" –Jo Davis, author of I SPY A DARK OBSESSION
CRASH INTO YOU is now available for pre-order!
Read an excerpt here.
All content copyright of the author. Please ask permission before re-printing or re-posting. Fair use quotations and links do no require prior consent of the author. ©Roni Loren 2009-2011 |Copyright Statement|