Today I don't have a Fill-Me-In-Friday for you because I've been on vacation and haven't been surfing the web and collecting links this week.
But, in the spirit of the new year rolling in this weekend, I figured I should check back in on my goals I set here on the blog at the end of last year and report on results.
So here goes...
2011 Writing Goals:
Complete Book 2 in the Exposure Therapy Loving on the Edge series way ahead of my June deadline. [Did it!]
Draft at least one additional full length novel. [only halfway there but that's because of one of the goals below]
Sell Wanderlust (the novel I finished before CRASH). [purposely put this on hold, deciding where I want to go with it]
Attend RWA Nationals in NYC. [did it!]
Attempt to write a short piece (short story or novella) --I am totally intimidated at the idea of writing anything shorter than category length (55k), but I think writing something briefer will be a good exercise for me. [Completed and sold a 30k novella to Berkley! This is also why I'm not finished book 3 this year.]
Blogging Goals:
Continue to keep up a regular blogging schedule and hopefully not bore you all. :) [kept up my blogging, you guys will have to let me know on the boring part]
Perhaps start or join a group blog and do more guest blogging. [definitely did more guest blogging and started up separate author blog]
Reading goals:
Read 40 or more books.
[Read 31, so was close. If you're interested in seeing what I read, I kept the list here.]
Personal Goals
Potty train the kiddo [Sadly, no. This MUST happen this year. Please, God.]
Be in a size ten or lower by the time I go to previously mentioned RWA Nationals. [*snort* Yeah, uh, didn't happen.]
Have a better work/life balance. [This one fluctuated. Can still get better at this.
So I won some, I lost some. Altogether, not a bad year. Now I need to think of my goals for 2012. (If I can find time to actually think of some, lol.)
So how did you do on your goals this year? What are some of your goals for the new year? Are you joining any writing or reading challenges? What goal do you most hope to accomplish?
Hope you all have a wonderful New Year! And don't forget, CRASH INTO YOU comes out this Tuesday!!! (