So last week I celebrated my two-year blogging anniversary (see winners to that contest at the bottom of this post.) That milestone along with my recent obsession with trying to figure out What READERS Want From an Author Blog and some anticipated tight writing deadlines next year has led me to do a lot of thinking about how to streamline my online time.
Right now I am blogging six days a week--three posts on this blog and three on the author blog. I love to blog and that's why I do it, but I also know it's a good way to suck up writing time before you know it. I get about 3.5 hours kid free writing time each morning and blogging usually takes up about 45min-1hr of that. So if I have any chance at increasing my writing output, I need to slim down the schedule and build in some flexibility.
I have a tendency to like structure and themes when it comes to blogging. It makes it easier to keep on track, but it also can start to make you feel a bit boxed in like--crap, I have to blog about THIS today because I have a theme for this day of the week.
And then many times with theme days (though not always) you end up with "fluff" posts--those posts that fill space and let you check off "blogged for the day" but don't really do much else. They don't resonate with your readers, they aren't particularly unique or different than anyone else who's blogging that day, and really when it comes down to it, are a a waste of time for everyone. This all hit me after reading this post: The Unproductive Writer's Guide to Success.
And this doesn't mean that all posts have to be long and serious. My Boyfriend of the Week theme posts on my author blog are fun, don't take a lot of time, and seem to be well-received. So I don't consider that fluff. (Plus, my editor says she likes them, so there.) ;)
But I really want to make sure that the posts I'm putting up are worth everyone's time, including mine. So I'm going to be more selective and also give myself some breathing room with what I'm calling my Flex Blogging Schedule.
So here's my new flex-y blogging schedule (for now):
- Monday: Writing/Publishing Post (this blog)
- Tuesday: Boyfriend of the Week (author blog)
- Wednesday: open/flex day
- Thursday: open/flex day
- Friday: Fill-Me-In Friday/links roundup (this blog)
- Saturday: open/flex day
So on those open days, I'll post if I have something worth saying and if I have the time to do it. If it's a writing post, it will be on this blog. If it's something broader or more personal, it will go on the author blog.
Of course, this is all experimental, so subject to change at anytime. :)
And here's how I'm going to determine if a post is fluffy or not.
Five Questions To Ask To Determine If You're Posting Fluff
1. Does this post add anything unique to the blogosphere?
2. Does this post provide my blog readers with something (whether it be usable advice, interesting information, or a fun experience)?
3. Did I feel excited writing this post or did it feel like I was dialing it in?
4. Is this post true to my voice?
5. Does this post engage readers in discussion? (may have to be something to evaluate after the post)
Okay and before I forget, let me get to the contest winners. Thanks so much to everyone who entered and welcome to those of you who may be new to the blog!
Let's all congratulate these lucky winners!
- Taryn Elliot - Writing Craft package
- Carrie Butler - Paranormal romance
- Karen Taveres - erotic romance
- Natalie Ham - TEMPEST arc
- Jami Gold - Historical Romance
- Febe Moss - Contemporary Romance
- Jessica Anne - Historical Fiction
- Julie Glover - Historical Fiction
- Natasha Hanova - YA Package
I will email the winners some time this week to get your addresses so that I can send you your prizes! :)
Alright, so am I the only one reevaluating my blog these days? What do you love to see on other blogs? What do you consider "fluff" posts? How do you feel about theme days (reading them and posting for them)? Which of your posts get the most reader interaction?