It's that time of the week again to round-up my favorite links of the week! But first I want to direct you to a guest post I'm doing today over at the fabulous Writers in the Storm. I'd love if you could stop by and leave a comment!
My Guest Post:
Okay, now on to the links...
On Writing:
Heartbreaking Borders Photo via GalleyCat -- This gave me the sads.
The Deadly Sins of Romance Writing by Michelle Rowen
Twenty Obsolete Words That Should Make a Comeback by Matador Network. <--These are full of awesome.
Knowing and Finding Your Audience at Magical Words
Social Networking Promotion: The Eleven Deadly Sins For Writers by Writer's Relief
14 Do's and Don'ts for Introducing Your Protagonist by Anne R. Allen
Evocative Writing: An Ah-Ha Moment by Katie Ganshert
What Authors Can Learn from the Bestsellers List by Alan Rinzler
When the Going Gets Tough at Writer Unboxed
10 Steps to Becoming a Self-Publishing Superstar by Meghan Ward
The Real Gatekeepers in Publishing Now: Authors by Bob Mayer
Choosing the Best Outline Method for You at Writer's Digest
So How Am I Doing? (the difficulty of tracking your book sales and how Amazon rank doesn't mean much) by Books and Such Literary Agency
How to Build a Writing Team by Jenny Hansen
The New Facebook Subscribe Button at Mashable -- great explanation on who should use it and how
Happy Endings by Sierra Godfrey
What You May Have Missed 'Round These Here Parts:
Voice Matters: Does Yours Fit Your Genre by Ashley March
(And even if you're not into the pics, the post is worth reading for my husband's comment and answer to this question at the bottom of the post.)

So those are my favorites of the week--what were some of your favorite links out there? It's your turn to fill me in. :) Hope everyone has a great weekend!
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All content copyright of the author. Please ask permission before re-printing or re-posting. Fair use quotations and links do no require prior consent of the author. ©Roni Loren 2009-2011 |Copyright Statement|