Today I have the pleasure of introducing you to debut author Angi Morgan. I first met Angi when I joined my local RWA group, and I have enjoyed watching her career take off this past year. Not only did Angi make her first sale (quickly followed by her second!) but she also won the coveted Golden Heart award with this manuscript at RWA Nationals! For those of you who aren't familiar, the Golden Heart is like the romance world's Oscar for unpublished manuscripts (which this story was at the time of the contest.)
So, even if you aren't someone who usually reads the shorter romances/Harlequins (And why not? They're awesome), I think you should check out this book. We can all learn something from a story that not only gave a new author her first sale, but has risen to the top to snag such an important award. So, check out the blurb and then I'll hand it over to Angi.
Dr. Jane Palmer had every intention of telling FBI agent Steve Woods he was a father. But the rehearsed lines and practiced responses were forgotten the moment her little boy was kidnapped. Now, heart breaking and on the verge of falling apart, Jane needed Steve more than ever….
After every attempt at putting old feelings to rest, Steve Woods never expected Jane back in his life. Especially not for this reason. Racing against a ticking clock, desperate to earn Jane's trust, Steve still sensed Jane wasn't telling him everything. Which made him wonder why she'd come to Texas in the first place. And what it had to do with the child he'd do anything to rescue.
WIP Wednesday
Thank you for inviting me today, Roni. This is an exciting week. HILL COUNTRY HOLDUP, my first Harlequin Intrigue is on sale. Seeing the actual book sitting on a shelf was the most awesome feeling. I have lots of contests this week and will list them at the end. So I thought I’d keep with your WIP Wednesdays theme since I’m at the beginning of a new manuscript.
It’s actually been a while since I began a completely new concept. Since I’ve been trying to sell for several years, I spent more time on re-working good stories instead of developing new ideas. So working completely from scratch is quite refreshing.
I submitted my second Intrigue (.38 Caliber Cover-Up) the second week of August and waited a couple of weeks before writing my notes. By then, back-to-school sales called to me (I’m a sucker for office supplies). A new type of notebook with lots of pockets caught my eye and I wondered how I could use it for writing. I made poster board cards to fit, and stuck the post it notes I wrote about my characters or scenes. The small poster pulls out and I can review more closely. And the post its allow me to rearrange, etc. It’s nice for travel, and for being poolside. I use my Netbook for notes, but sometimes having pen and paper (or a post it) is very useful. The post its also transfer directly to my story board so I have the notes while I’m working in my office for those times I’m just staring into space.
But back to getting started on a manuscript...
I’m letting a lot of the story gel in my head while I promote HCH this week. I’m a definite pantzer--not plotting many of details. I make notes about events I know for certain will happen, and post its for things I know are absolutes about the characters.
I gather pictures of scenery and make a story collage with pictures from magazines. I also find pictures that represent the hero and heroine for me and make the guy my computer backdrop. So each time the computer fires up (desktop or laptop), I see the face of the hero. It not only reminds me why I selected that particular picture, but also reminds me to write.
One other thing I’ve discovered. I was determined to call this WIP Intrigue # 3, so I wouldn’t get a title into my head that would change if Harlequin bought the book. Well...turns out I just can’t wrap my brain or Muse around it. I’m hoping to write every day on Showdown in San Antonio .
Thanks for having me today.
QUESTIONS FOR YOU: Are you more excited beginning a manuscript or finishing? Be honest. And what are some of the things you do when gathering ideas for a new WIP?
CONTESTS: The details for my contests are on my website: AngiMorgan.com. Hold Up the Cover will run the entire month HCH is on bookshelves--I have several prizes to be drawn for those sending me a picture of themselves with the cover (and signing up for my newsletter). And there’s one more contest for debut week: I’m blog hopping (list on website) and if you leave five comments on five blogs this week (13th through 19th), then send me an email, you’ll be entered in a drawing for more books and prizes. (You can even go back to blogs from 9-13 and 9-14.)
Visit her website AngiMorgan.com or become a friend on Facebook. And go check out her book!
**Today's Theme Song**
"Somewhere Down in Texas" - George Strait
(player in sidebar, take a listen)