I'll admit, digital publishing was not my first choice. But once I signed that contract and started the journey to publication, I really felt like I was getting in on something fabulous!
Technology moves so fast and consumers seem to always want what's new and cool and better than what is already out there. And digital book readers were another new gadget to have. Things have changed a lot since I signed my first digital contract, but only for the better! I think people are reading more than ever and partly it's because of digital media. People can read books on their iPhones and other Smartphones. EReaders make it convenient to take a book anywhere. And many libraries are even jumping on board, offering members free downloadable books on their websites!
There is lots to love about digital publishing! Here are my reasons why being published by a primarily digital house is awesome:
- No need for an agent. Most digital publishers are rather small and accept unagented submissions. (Though my publisher says they are starting to receive a lot of submissions from agented authors.) But this by no means implies that the quality is less. Yeah, they may have to sift through more junk, but they are just as picky. The Editor in Chief fills us in monthly on how many contracts they've offered....which isn't many. The majority are established authors within their house, with only a few newbies. But bottom line, I don't have to share my earnings with anyone!! Well, maybe my hubby! I treat him to a nice dinner every once in a while...it's the least I can do! ;)
- Prices are great! Digital book prices by primarily digital houses are far lower than print publishers, even those who offer their titles in digital. But that doesn't mean I make less! Oh no! Royalties on digital books are waaaaaay higher than print books! :) I make 40% on every digital copy (net sales). And if my math is correct, 40% of $5.50 is a good amount more than 10% of a paperback that costs $14.95.
- There is a home for short pieces! Not every story can be written in novel-length. But what do you do with a 30,000 word story? For a newbie, it's nearly impossible to get into a print anthology. And those are far and few between anyway. But digital publishers, they do publish short works. My newest release, Soap Dreams, is the perfect length to read on a smartphone while carpooling to work, waiting at the doctor's office, or while you kid's at practice!
- Readers who use the Nook and Kindle can buy my books instantly. If they finish one of my books, and love it, they can buy another of my other titles immediately!
And there are some drawbacks too, unfortunately.
- Primarily digital houses are small and most do not offer an advance on royalties.
- Books are not on bookstore shelves for people who love to just browse bookstores.
- You can't really do book signings.
- Some, but not all, digitally published books are made available for print. My debut was, but there's no guarantee anything else I publish digitally will be.
- Readers who do not have an eReader are unlikely to buy my book.
A huge thank you to Roni for having me!! All commenters will be entered into a drawing for a digital copy of my newest release, Soap Dreams! And all commenters from every post on my blog tour will be entered in a fabulous grand prize drawing for a signed copy of A Bitch Named Karma and digital copies of both Paradise Cove and Soap Dreams!! Please leave your email address!