Hope everyone had a fantastic week! I'm *thisclose* to finishing the draft of my novella, so I'm thrilled about that. Now in case you've been busy as well, here's the weekly roundup of the best stuff I've come across on the web this week.
On Writing and Publishing:
Is Blogging A Waste of Time? by Meghan Ward
Yes, Authors, You Can Respond to Negative Reviews (with hilarious illustrations) by the League of Reluctant Adults
Up the Wattage: Highlighting Your Books and Byline at Cynsations
10 Things You Should be Doing Right Now by Janet Reid--which turned out to be a bit of a controversial post and inspired "kool-aid" responses like...
Jami Gold's How To Avoid the Publishing Kool-Aid
And another related one by Chuck Wendig: The Publishing Cart Before the Storytelling Horse (BEST post of the week IMO.)
Tips for Twitter by Lauren Dane in which she makes this great point: "when you retweet (RT) an entire list of @ from a #FF (Follow Friday) just to say thank you – this ends up in the feeds of EVERY SINGLE PERSON who was in the original #FF tweet. This happens over and over and it’s getting worse. What this means is that even if I don’t follow you, you’re messing with MY feed"
10 Rules for Twitter Success by BookEnds
8 Ways to Grow Your Social Media Footprint by Jenny Hansen
10 Tidbits About Author Platform by Rachelle Gardner (though I do disagree that for an author blog to be worthwhile it needs 15k hits a month. That's a little high IMO.)
25 Insights on Becoming a Better Writer on The 99 Percent
25 Ways to Stay Creative by Moby Picture
Body Language - Reading Signs and Gestures at Learn, Think, Inspire
Build Your Name and Brand Through Networking (great list of sites to network on) by Curiosity Quills
The Secrets I Don't Tell You by Tawna Fenske (on balancing how much of your personal life you share
Just for Gits and Shiggles:
T-Shirts with Classic Book Themes at Out of Print Clothing
Top 100 Best Movies of All Time by Lifed
How To Read More: A Lover's Guide at Zen Habits
25 Pictures Taken at Exactly the Right Moment at Buzzfeed
20 Sexy Advertising Campaigns at DeMilked
20 Cool Home Library Design Ideas by Shelterness
Celebrities that Could Be Twins by Faithfully Frugal
Awesomely Creative Celebrity Photos
What You May Have Missed on my Author Blog:
What You May Have Missed Here:
My Favorite Tumblr Post of the Week:
Okay, so those are my picks for the week? What are some of yours? Fill me in via the comments. And have a great weekend!

"Hot and romantic, with an edge of suspense that will keep you entertained.” --Shayla Black, New York Times Bestselling author of SURRENDER TO ME
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All content copyright of the author. Please ask permission before re-printing or re-posting. Fair use quotations and links do no require prior consent of the author. ©Roni Loren 2009-2011 |Copyright Statement|