Summer at ...and this time, concentrate! is hosting a perfect blogfest for the first day of NaNoWriMo--one that doesn't require writing! :) So today, everyone is showing their workspace. I've seen a few so far and am impressed by your pretty, organized spaces, your lovely bulletin boards and office supplies. Mine is um, not so much that way. I'm at home with my kiddo, so there is no closing myself in an office. So here's where my writing time is spent.
So this is my living room, my "desk", and my kickass netbook.
So what's your space look like? Do you have a dedicated office or a makeshift one like mine? What is always present in your writing space?
Good luck to all you Nano-ers! And we're off...
**Today's Theme Song**
"The Chair" - George Strait
(player in sidebar, take a listen)