It's that time of the week again. I feel like kind of a slacker because I'm now in revising mode vs. writing mode so I don't have a word count to report. However, I have done a first round revision on five chapters of my romance so that I could submit them to my crit buddies. So I feel pretty good about that.
I also have been doing a lot of critiquing for others which has been a nice break from staring at my own words incessantly. :) Critiquing is hard work and being critiqued can be painful, but I think both sides of it are invaluable learning experiences. Hopefully, we will all come out the other side stronger writers.
This week I think I'm going to attempt to draft a query letter for the romance. The novel is, by no means, ready to be sent into the world, but I want to have that letter done and waiting once I'm through with revisions. Last time I waited until the end and my brain was so fried that the query letter seemed beyond overwhelming to write. I'm hoping *crossing fingers* that this second query letter will be easier. The story is WAY more straightforward than my YA. No supernatural, no mythology, no world building. So we'll see. I have a feeling I'll still end up half-bald with hair-pulling.
So now for an award. Lazy Writer and Anna C. Morrison have passed along the Splish Splash award to me. This award is for a dazzling blog. I'm so excited to find out that my little site dazzles. I'm like a vampire, oh wait, that's sparkles, never mind. :)

Thanks ladies! Both of their sites received the award as well, so if you haven't checked them out, I highly recommend it.
And now to pass it on. I'm picked five people that I read regularly but that I haven't passed along an award to yet.
1. Dawn at Plotting and Scheming
2. T. Anne at White Platonic Dreams
3. Tabitha Bird at Books, Bubs, and Writing Blabber
4. Mandi at Smexy Books
5. Weronika at Weronika Janczuk
So how's your WIP going? (Feel free to leave a link in the comments section for your WIP Wed. update.) Is anyone else going through the critiquing stage right now? What are you critters catching that you totally missed?
**Today's Theme Song**
"Misery Business" - Paramore
(player in sidebar--go ahead, take a listen)
Okay, so only the title works and not the lyrics when referring to querying, but it's a good song anyway. :)