Hope everyone had a lovely Easter weekend. Mine was fabulous until I got food poisoning on Saturday night. So Sunday was not so fun--a three-hour drive from Austin back to Dallas, feeling like I wanted to die. For anyone who has ever had food poisoning, you know what I'm talking about. Poisoning is definitely the appropriate word. This is the second time I've gotten it and if I never get it again, that will be too soon.
So today I am going to take it easy by alleviating my blog award guilt. I've been a bad blogger, hoarding awards. So here is the ones I've received over the last few months. (If you've given me one that I haven't mentioned, please email me to let me know, so I can add you to another post. But hopefully I've covered everyone.)
Alright, on to the awards...

1) Five recipients.
2) Make up something about the people you give the award to.
3)Link to the people you give it to.
4)Link back to the original award post.
My Crit Group Soulmates
1. Gwen Mitchell--because she is secretly a Zyne witch and I need to stay on her good side.
2. Dawn Brown--because she hasn't left her attic in five years.
3. Lynnette Labelle--because she has mind-melded with me so we can post about the same things simultaneously.
My Twitter Soulmates because they are not afraid to have a conversation about the word "suckle" at midnight. Wait, that's not a lie. Hmm... (see what you're missing if you don't follow me on Twitter? This is highly intellectual conversation, people.)
1. Tina Lynn
2. Sierra Godfrey
3. Natalie Murphy
4. Alicia Frey
5. Melissa at Chasing the Dream
6. Kristen Yard

1. Amber Tidd Murphy
2. Christine Danek
3. Christine H.
4. Sarah at Falen Formulates Fiction
5. Julie Cross
6. KayKay
7. Oddy at Dani's Letters
8. Anne at Piedmont Writer
9. Tere Kirkland

1. Laurel at Laurel's Leaves
2. Summer
3. Stephanie at The Writer's Cocoon
1. Stephanie at Chronicles of a Novice Writer
2. Stephanie at Hatshepsut: The Writing of a Novel
3. Julie Dao at The Silver Lining
4. Tamika at The Write Worship
5. Elizabeth Craig at Mystery Writing is Murder

This one goes to all of my followers who are fellow writers!
Thanks again to everyone who passed these along to me. Sorry it took a while to get them up here. Also, I've passed the 400 follower mark! Woohoo! So thanks to each one of you for following and commenting. You guys are the best and make me happier than you know. :)
And one last announcement: I made the Writer's Digest list of of Best Tweets For Writers this week (twice!). Go here to check it out and to get links to a whole bunch of great writing articles.